Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thanks for the bike responses.

Thanks for the bike responses. It sounds like Sue and Barb have bikes, so thanks everyone, but I think I'll be set. Thank you Sue and Barb. How about if I see how much room is at my moms and decide if I think I need to go smaller or if bigger would be ok. Sounds like Barbs is a bit larger, which may be great, I just need to check on the size of the room. Thank you both, I'll check in with you early next week. Legs are pretty tired today, don't want to push it, so it may be a couple of weeks before I actually get on a bike. I think my desires may be bigger than my actual abilities at this point. Call you both soon. Mike

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, Mike

    We are still in Winthrop skiing for the week so I am just getting caught up with the blog.What fantastic news!! I'm so glad you recovering so quickly. Yippee!!

    If you want to try something other than a bike you can always borrow my rowing machine (aka ergometer).

    We'll catch up with you all when we're back in the neighborhood. We're keeping our fingers crossed for a quick and easy recovery and hopefully see you shooting hoops in the backyard soon!
    Susan et al
