Sunday, December 20, 2009

Welcome to reality Mike.

By the title of this post I mean that I think the reality of this difficult path I/we have chosen is hitting home. I didn't even realize that I didn't write something yesterday. I know yesterday (Sat) was the first day I really felt pretty crappy, so I guess I didn't feel like writing anything. I guess my hope of writing something everyday for the first month or so is not totally realistic. There may be some days that Casey needs to fill in the blanks and add her two-cents worth. I woke up today with aweful fatigue (like, the whole body, all the way down to fingertips). Of course this is normal I've been reminded, along with the eating troubles, and a variety of other discomforts.

Anyway, my big complaints now have to do with fatigue and my stomach. As far as the fatigue, I'm just trying not take it easy, but not succumb to 'the bed.' I've kept up with my 5 or 6 walks today and tried to hang out in the chair. I've been told that this could not only worsen, but go on awhile. A nice nurse today mentioned that fatigue lasts up to a year - thanks. I did actually ask the doctor, and he confirmed that the fatigue can be pretty profound and can "last quite a while." Well, that "may" happen for some people, I won't be limited by 'fatigue' a year out, I'll promise you that.

That brings me to the appetite thing. I can't believe how I just don't want to eat anything. I had some cheerios today and grape juice, but it's going to be all I can do to think of ordering something for dinner. My weight is already down a few pounds, and I didn't have a lot of weight to spare. I hope this gets better over the next few days, but I guess if it doesn't, then I'll have some IV nutrition to look forward to. Boy o boy, what do you say, except, it's always something.

Although there are staff and patients around here, you're kind of on your own, and it's getting a bit lonely. Hopefully, Casey or my mom will feel good enough in the next couple of days to pay an 'in person' visit. They obviously don't want you her if you have ANY kind of cold or bug. Steve has visited on his way to work a couple of times, so that's been nice. My blood counts are close to zero, so there ain't no protection there. The lack of human contact is tough, but part of the deal. I was pretty isolated the last month before coming in here since we knew that if I got another rhinovirus, the study most likely would have not been available to me. So, I think I just feel it more because the lack of human contact thing has been going on long before my admission to the UW.

On another note, I was thinking today how much I am going to enjoy next Christmas. Casey and Jack went to White Christmas last night, my friend Carol sent me a pix of how pretty our house looks with all the lights, and Casey and the boys are going to a holiday program at St. Benedict's tonight (Angela's performing). Missing all these things, and knowing I'll be here for Christmas, is tough, but, boy is next Christmas going to be fun - and appreciated!

Talk to you all soon. By the way, I love you all, but Casey, Jack and Owen, I love you very very very very very very very very very much!! Kisses, Dad



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Mike! So glad to read your post!!! I was getting concerned, but am glad to hear you are hanging in there. Not that I would expect any less. I'd swing by to give you some company, but I'm afraid I am recovering from a cold, compliments of Liam. Unfortunately, I think I passed it onto to Carol and Karen too (sorry guys - I santized my hands until my knuckles cracked - literally, but to no avail). You'll appreciate this though - I got back on the bike today after taking a week off and it was brutal (darn respiratory virus)...but I toughed it out. I think I feel better, all things considered, than if I hadn't gotten on this week!

    These last few days at the lab, before Christmas, look busy. All the docs trying to get their cases done before we close for a week. I even scheduled a 0630 on Monday(Sorry everyone! You know I love ya!) Anyway, we'll have to Skype you again soon, if you are up to it, I have some fun news to shared that I learned this past friday (if Carol hasn't already shared it, which is cool if she has).

    So until then! Rest up, take care, and hang in there. You're doing a great job! I can't believe how positive you remain every day. You, Casey and the boys are amazing!

  3. Uhhh, disregard that previous "Erin said...
    This post has been removed by the author." I was fixing my typos. =) Hopefull I got them all...

  4. Hang in there - we are all here. Stay strong my friend. If you need to spend a few days in bed - then do it. Keep looking forward, you can do it. Karen

  5. Hi Mike! I was lucky to spend some time with the boys tonight so Casey could get some of her "elf work" done. They sure do miss you! We watched some videos, and of course, I spoiled them with too many treats...but, that is what "Aunties" are for, right!?!? Stay strong and brave and keep remembering all of the fun plans you have in the future! I have a little cold in my nose, so not sure if a visit is a good idea just yet, but I hope you know that I say a prayer and send good thoughts your way every day! Love ya, P

  6. Hey Pal..

    It's weird when you dont feel like eating isn't it? You know your body needs it, but just not interested. Maybe if they do start you on something you will have more energy and then not feel so tired. You may have to work it backwards!
    We have 4 caths today, one more to go..started at 6:30..I know you miss those!
    We ( liz, diane, jackie, tom and joanne) went to the Christmas Catechism show at the ACT theater. One of the things the "sister" had as part of her show ...a living nativity...Diane was "choosen" to play a sheep...I was able to take a couple of pictures with my cell phone..couldn't resist..the costumes were very homemade..the sheep head was a sheepskin toilet seat cover...very chic...Tom is working his photo shop magic to make the pictures clearer, as soon as he sends them back to me I will of course zip them right to you...tis the season to mock your best friends you know!

    Nadine called from San Francisco...her dads RCA graft stenting went great this AM(this is monday) so she is on a plane flying home. The next step after recovery is Stanford for the perc. aortic valve.
    I'll call you later today (mon) to say Hi...

    "KEEP DANCING PAL" Love, carol

  7. Hi Mike
    this is Tim from Central America. I am reading your post in a cafe in Panajachel, near Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. I am amazed that you are able to write such am interesting blog. Rita and Amy are here too, for Christmas. We are staying with a Guatemalteco family with 2 little girls and a parrot. Its nice to be here. We all send our love.

    Te deseo mucho exito en tu estancia en la hospital.
    Saludos y abrazos a Casey, Owen y Jack.
    Tu amigo
