Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chemo's done...stem-cells tomorrow.

Finished chemo, today went well, eating dinner (a slow and bland one, but dinner nonetheless), Survivor is on...a reason to celebrate, AND stem-cells tomorrow around 4:00 pm. Mike


  1. Hey Pal..Kick that Mr. ATC in the YKW(you know where!) I spoke with you this evening an it sounded like you did just that. The Christmas program at St Lukes was v cute...all those little smiles and some of those little guys are such "ham bones"...lots of good energy there.

    We will try to Skype with you from BHVC today around 1pm(this is now Fri AM)...I will text you 1st to make sure you are up to it.
    Tomorrow is my birthday too, so next year we can celebrate together...I will be 60 and you will be 1...can we each be 30 instead?...I'll split that 60 with you!

    A favorite quote of mine, from Rabi Hillel:

    I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile,
    I keep dancing.

    You are good at hearing that inner music Mike, so "keep dancing" pal.

    love carol and liz

  2. You rock my friend. Please know that if I could fight your monsters with you or for you I would do it.

  3. Here is an early 2nd birthday gift from your Real Woman of Genius:

    I don't see no can eat that crunchy bowl!

    Be prepared to receive more of these as the days go on - they never get old!

    Love, Joanna

  4. Ah Carol, oh to be 30 again. I'll take you up on that, we'll split your 60. Karen, thanks for the offer of help with the monsters, but I'm afraid I got to do this one myself. Luckily I've never been afraid of monsters, but thanks for the monster. And Joanna, a perfect Real Men Of Genuius, as it correlates will with our frequent talk of going out to mexican food for dinner. No guac on mine though. Thanks gals, Mike
