Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 3 Do you know what your pancreas does?

Hi It's Monday, Day 3. For us, it has been like living in bizarro world - going about our business, making dinner, getting ready for the holiday, writing Christmas cards. It sometimes is difficult to process the whole thing. And there Mike is so courageous and strong, while I'm worrying about what to have for dinner. Mike had a rough night last night, with strong stomach pain. He said it was the worst pain he's ever experienced. The only thing I figure I can even liken it to is having contractions, so I try to remember how awful those were. It turns out Mike has pancreatitis ( I hope I spelled that correctly!). He is off food, fluids only, and is on some pain meds which I hope are helping to ease his pain and let him sleep so he can forget about it. I feel nervous about going to visit because, though I don't feel sick, there's always that little bit of something that makes you worried you're one day shy of a huge stuffy nose or something. I couldn't forgive myself if I passed something on to you Mike! I am hoping to get another day or so away from the "three school trifecta" of germ infusion here at home so that I can get over there. And I know the boys really want to also, although I can see that that visit will last all of 10 minutes before it turns into boys wanting to jump on the bed or chase each other up and down the hall.
Any messages you have to send to Mike are welcomed! As I said before, we read and listen to every single one.
Hmmm.... in the news? I don't think I've heard the news in a few days, although I guess I did read the Sunday paper yesterday, but somehow I can't remember a thing from it. Letsee.... they are choosing someone new for something on the Seahawks. Oh! That actress from Clueless died (Brittany something?) But I only know that because Pam told me. :) Jack got to go to a cookie party today at his friend's house (Thank you Leif!), and Owen got to play with Armida. Mama had alone time with her friend Kate! (Thank you Kate!). And we love Mike! Hang in there pumpkin!

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