Monday, January 4, 2010

One sign you're feeling better - eating ice cream again.

Wow, how the days fly by when you're not sitting on your butt in a hospital room. Of course, I'm just sitting around at home, so I'm not sure why the days seem to go by faster? But they do. Casey mentioned today that she's getting emails checking if things are ok since I haven't written in the blog since New Year's Day. I told Casey that I'm just kind of hangin' out and I didn't really know what to write, nor thought that people wanted to hear about me only, you know, sitting around, without the cool drugs, being in the hospital, feeling crappy, chemo side effects, etc. Now I'm feeling kind of selfish here. Sorry about that.

So, first of all, I should mention that I am feeling pretty good. I get a little tired now and then, but it's really minimal and I have to say I would have expected much more fatigue. Really, if I don't look in the mirror I don't feel too much different than I did before the transplant. Of course, when I look in the mirror, I see that I don't have any hair. At that point, there's no denying what I've been up to the last few weeks. I still go into the SCCA clinic almost everyday for blood work and an occassional appt. This is good because it gives me something to do. Sunday I went to see Jack's soccer game. I just hung out with Owen on the other side of the field. I actually sat over there watching all the people who were coughing, blowing their noses and wiping their noses on their sleeves - I guess I'm a little paranoid about getting sick still. But, although avoiding crowds will be important for awhile, it's very cool to get out like that. I think my mom and I are going to the matinee of Sherlock Holmes tomorrow (POPCORN!), figuring there shouldn't be a problem being 6+ feet from other people. I've been on a couple of walks and feel pretty good. So, in general, I think I'm doing well. I was waiting for all of the "bad" things that they said I may feel to happen, but I'm past worrying about all that now, and I figure my goal is to just stay healthy and be glad that I skirted many of those unpleasant side effects and discomforts.

I am getting the urge to get exercising. So, I'm going to check at my clinic appt today whether or not that's ok. I don't want to set myself back if it would be too much for my budding immune system to stress muscles, lungs, etc. I just want to start slow with a light ride on an exercise bike and maybe some light stretching, band work, and a few sit-ups. I guess I'll see this afternoon if I get a look like, "don't even think about it."

I'm very happy I'm eating and drinking well. Up and around and able to do things for myself. Not having any nausea or pain. Occassionally I get full when I eat too much, but who doesn't. I have had ice cream the last two nights and plan to have some tonight during the Fiesta Bowl. I'm just really trying to follow the rules and NOT get sick. That's really the biggie that could set me back at this point.

It's hard to not be home, but this is the best place for me at this time. Owen has had a light little cough, Casey's had a few days where she felt a bit congested (but not really sick, so it's hard to tell), and Jack felt a little puny yesterday, then missed school today. So, I will visit as often as I can and go to as many functions as I can, but I'm probably here for a few more weeks at least. I have seen them more in the last 4 days than I did in the month and a half prior, so I'm not complaining. I'm also asking today at my appt if I can go home during the day and do some things around the house to help Casey out - cleaning, laundry, getting some stuff ready for dinner, etc. If my 'team' at SCCA doesn't have a problem with that, I'll at least feel like I'm helping out a bit. Casey's done so much in the last couple of months.

Well, thanks again for all the support everyone. You all make my days much brighter and easier knowing how many people are out there pulling for myself, Casey and the boys. I'll get my walking schedule going soon and I'll be in touch with the 'walkers' out there. Talk to you all soon. Mike

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